
The content of www.rorensu.com was prepared with the finest attention and provides general information about RŌRENSU, its products and services. We try to ensure that the information offered is complete, up to date and taken from reliable sources. Nonetheless RŌRENSU does not guarantee that the information is complete, up to date and correct. Decisions taken on the basis of this information are for you own account and risk. RŌRENSU reserves the right, without prior notice to change, delete, supplement or otherwise amend at any time the information provided on our website or other documents.

Exemption from liability
RŌRENSU accepts no liability for any direct, indirect, exceptional, incidental, immaterial or consequential damages, irrespective of any prior notification of the possibility of such damages, in any way arising from, but not limited to (i) defects, viruses, or other faults to equipment and software linked to accessing or using www.rorensu.com, (ii) the information that is offered on or through our internet site, (iii) the intercepting, modifying or abusing of information sent to you or to RŌRENSU, (iv) the functioning or non-availability of this website, (v) misuse of this internet site, (vi) loss of data, (vii) downloading or using software that is made available through this internet site or, (viii) claims made by third parties in connection to using this internet site.

Applicable law
The Dutch law is applicable to this internet site and its disclaimer.

RŌRENSU reserves the right to, at all times, change the information on this website. This also includes this disclaimer, without further notice. It is advised to check if the information on this website, including this disclaimer, has been modified.

Use of material
The photos and video`s on this website have been made for RŌRENSU purposes and are © by RŌRENSU and several photographers. If you wish to use any of these photos please contact us.